I feel that a lot of people would agree that in todays busy world with its reliance on technology and the usage of social media it can leave us predominantly stuck in our heads way too much and not as connected with our bodies, friends, partners, colleagues or environments as we should be. The mind and body are intimately connected and by enhancing or challenging one you can influence and enhance the other.
I always say to people “It’s not important what you do or how much you do, the most important thing when training is how much you feel and how you connect with good technique and an understanding of correct body posture, breathing, tempo and muscle contractions” usually those who have a better awareness of their anatomy and how it’s supposed to move or function during exercise end up achieving better results when pursuing a specific strength, fitness or aesthetic goal.
A specialist personal trainer can also offer guidance in respects to tailoring and structuring your workout routines which we call a periodised training split, this would include active recovery time or days to allow for CNS recovery, exercise sets and reps that are manageable and realistic to achieve along with a progressiveness to the plan, if strength training this would be progressive overload which is increasing weights by small increments over time, if cardio training this would be increasing aerobic capacity and lactate threshold over time. When a plan is structured and measured for the individual needs it means that the person can train more safely with a much reduced chance of injury and will be less likely to hit plateaus in their training journeys.
We strive to build confidence and trust when training with others! By including new approaches and advancing techniques within the workouts we give a massive psychological boost of wellbeing and a can do attitude! I’ve witnessed on so many occasions seeing a clients moods and overall energy completely do a 360 shift after training, pushing boundaries, becoming faster, stronger, fitter and healthier feels amazing and nothing gives me greater joy than seeing someone surpass their goals, feeling energised and happier than ever before!